Out of Body is something which most of us have some familiarity with Cheap Ben Bishop Jersey , at least as far as we’ve heard the term mentioned somewhere. You may know of it from a film, book or from someone you know.
Not all people clearly comprehend that you really can do out of body and that in fact everyone can do it. You could have easily astral projected without knowing you were doing it at the time.
In order to determine if you have had an out of body experience or to begin learning to astral project it is important to understand what out of body is. Simply put out of body is when your spirit body leaves your physical body. This is something that happens naturally at night when you are asleep, but it is possible for you to do it consciously and control the journey of your spirit body.
Out of Body allows you to travel to any place you can imagine. You can visit the past Cheap Stephen Johns Jersey , explore the future or go anywhere in the present that you focus your mind on. Your astral body knows no distance and can go anywhere and to anytime while your body is asleep.
This brings us to the next logical question – what is the astral body? The astral body is essentially an invisible ‘double’ of your physical body. The astral body is also known as the ethereal body, and is the seat of our feelings and desires. You may wonder why the astral body doesn’t just leave and never return. This is because the astral body remains connected to the physical body via a silver cord.
The silver cord is attached from the moment that the astral body and the physical body connect. It only detaches at the moment of death when the astral and physical body permanently disconnect from each other. It is this cord that recalls the astral body to the physical body.
Another common question that many people ask is where one goes when one astral projects. The astral body travels to the astral plane, which is essentially an invisible duplicate of the Earth. This plane vibrates more quickly than the physical Earth Cheap Brett Ritchie Jersey , and these vibrations penetrate to the core of the Earth. The astral plane is also defined by some as another dimension of reality. Most agree that there are many levels to the astral plane.
It is natural at this point to wonder whether or not Out Of Body is dangerous in any way. The answer is both yes and no. We have already established that the astral body cannot permanently leave the physical body, and that everyone is capable of Out Of Body. But, just like anything you do Cheap Esa Lindell Jersey , you need to be able to think effectively. Solid thinking skills are required so that you can go where you want and know what you plan to accomplish.
Attempting Out of Body under the influence of mind altering and perception altering substances such as drugs or alcohol can have a serious effect on the ability of the traveler to travel in safety.
Exercise the same care you would in a place you don’t know in the physical universe. Just be aware of your surroundings and you’ll be fine. However, the aim of Out of Body isn’t just to stay safe – it’s to practice the ability until you’re able to do it consciously and be in total control of your thoughts.
There are a number of ways to get prepared to do out of body prior to starting it. Several professionals can be found to assist you in learning various techniques so that you get to the point where you have better control so that you have a gratifying experience, but on this note people usually rather be in their own house while doing out of body.
You can find various other resources such as books online. For instance Cheap Tyler Pitlick Jersey , you can create the right state of mind by listening to quality Out of Body hypnosis recordings. It will help you relax and walk you through the various stages. This is beneficial since you can continue playing the recording repeatedly until your subconscious mind picks up the message that it is all right for you to leave your body.
Binaural beats is the most recent of astonishing sound technology advances. It plays slightly different tones of sound frequencies in the ears simultaneously. This works well for inducing relaxation and the deep state of meditation rather quickly. This is fundamental for the success of out of body.
Do not be discouraged if you are unable to astral project in the beginning. It is important to keep in mind that you are simply remembering a skill that you already possess and have used at some point in your past.
If you are still unsure, that out of body is something that is known to everyone consider these things. Have you ever felt like you were falling, even though you were standing or laying still Cheap Devin Shore Jersey , how about dreaming about flying. Often times this is the result of out of body. The falling feeling usually comes when the two bodies rejoin each other and the sensation of flight comes from actually moving through the astral plane.
out of body really exists! Take time to tune your natural abilities and you will see that anyone has the abilities to perform this and reap the benefits from it.
To find out more please go to the http:www.astralprojectiontravel website. Get more info all about how to astral project. To Learn more about out of body travel. Please visit here and get twenty nine audios and ebooks FREE.