Pregnancy after Tubal Ligation Health Articles | March 12 Mike Bibby Grizzlies Jersey , 2011 Many women, however, regret this decision later in life as they desire to have more children. Some will decide to have their Tubal Ligation reversed. Certain gynecologists who have been specially trained to put these delicate tubes back together can perform a reversal through a Microsurgical Tubal Reanastomosis (MTR).
Quite a large number of women who undergo the procedure known as tubal ligation to prevent them from having more children will eventually change their minds. For some women the reason that they choose to have the procedure reversed is they want to feel whole once more Shareef Abdur-Rahim Grizzlies Jersey , while for others, it helps to relieve the symptoms that are part of the ?post tubal ligation syndrome?. For many of these women pregnancy after tubal ligation is a strong possibility. And this can be done with a tubal ligation reversal surgery.
However, before any woman is able to undergo the procedure to have the tubal ligation reversed the surgeon will need to determine whether they are good candidates for the procedure or not. Although this particular procedure is not right for every woman, in most cases it is the most successful and cost effective way for women who have been sterilized to have children naturally once more.
This is as compared to the alternative of an IVF treatment.
There is an up to 82% chance for a woman who undergoes tubal reversal to become pregnant using the statistics from one doctor?s study of his patients. On the other hand Allen Iverson Grizzlies Jersey , there is only a 10 ? 30% chance for women who undergo IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) treatment of getting pregnant on any one course of treatment.
So what is it that the surgeon will consider in order to determine whether the woman is a suitable candidate for undergoing this tubal reversal procedure? Remember the surgeon wants to increase the chances of a pregnancy after tubal ligation reversal.
For a tubal reversal procedure, many factors must be considered: the age of women, the length of the remaining fallopian tube segments, the damage caused by the tubal ligation process Dwight Howard Grizzlies Jersey , and the fertility issues and medical conditions of both the woman and her partner. The general success rate for a tubal reversal procedure may be as high as 90%, depending on these factors.
During a tubal reversal procedure, Dr. Morice will remove the blockage of the fallopian tube (scar tissue). Dr. Morice will then surgically put back together the two different ends of the fallopian tubes.
Before a tubal reversal procedure, the patient should provide Dr. Morice with her operative reports Zach Randolph Grizzlies Jersey , pathology reports (if any), partner?s semen analysis, and any present medical condition for a more complete evaluation of her chance of a successful tubal reversal.
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