The draw towards this industry is the multimillion-dollar campaigns, and the glamour surrounding the promotion of products and the clients it represents. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( ), non-supervisory workers in advertising and public relations services made $633 a week on average in 2004. Companies in the advertising and public relations industry arrange advertisements for other companies and organizations and propose campaigns to encourage the interests and image of their clients. This industry also includes media representatives, radio, television Nike Shox Gravity Shoes White AR1999-100 Clearance , and the Internet. It also includes display ads, direct mail, billboards and other tangible media. The demand for educated advertising professionals is on the rise as technological advances give advertisers more options for the media on which they advertise.
You can earn an a advertising degree at public and private colleges and universities, as well dedicated technical schools that offer career specific programs. Specialty schools often offer two-year degree or certificate programs in advertising. Traditional four-year college and university programs offer advertising programs within other majors such as communications, business or art programs. Most people starting out in an advertising career will be required to hold a bachelor's degree with a liberal arts background. Bachelor's degrees are not required for entry-level positions in the creative department. Assistant art directors Nike Shox Gravity Men's Shoes All Black Clearance , for example usually need at least a 2-year degree from an art or design school. Although assistant copywriters do not need a degree, obtaining one helps to develop the superior communication skills and abilities required for this job. Entry-level positions in the industry include account management, media coordinator, or market research. Internships, in conjunction with your education Nike Shox TLX Mens Clearance , will help you get a job when you graduate. Completion of an internship is often a necessary requirement for many advertising firms. In addition to an internship, course work in marketing, design, statistics and accounting can help get you ready for employment in this field.
Leadership in business is critical Nike Shox TLX Clearance , no matter what industry it is, as leading people is a critical part of any successful business enterprise. Although some believe that great leaders are born, there are many qualities that can be developed that can help almost anyone become a great leader.
1. Act Ethically and Honestly
The first and most important quality of leadership in business is to always act ethically and honestly, whether you are dealing with a subordinate or a superior. By acting ethically and honestly, a leader promotes similar attitudes in others in the company. One suggestion is to make a list of the values that the brand represents and post them prominently in the office. This emphasizes core beliefs and encourages others to promote them as well.
2. Delegation Equals Trust
One important leadership quality that many overlook is the fact that delegation of duties to others shows trust in the person the work is delegated to. Micromanagement is rarely successful Nike Shox TL Mens Clearance , and by delegating tasks that others can do, a good leader frees up their time to accomplish other tasks, while instilling a sense of trust in others.
3. Open Communication
A good leader understands that communication goes both ways. While clearly communicating what they want accomplished is important, it is also important to listen to others in order to keep a clear vision of what is going on within the company. Many in leadership roles do not want to discuss interoffice issues, believing that the problems will work themselves out Nike Shox TL Clearance , when, in fact, hearing those issues is critical to keeping the company running smoothly. It also provides a better sense of trust among employees.
5. Have Fun
It is important to remember that morale is linked to productivity, and many employees claim that a fun workplace increases morale significantly. Encourage laughter in the workplace by keeping a sense of humor, and allow employees short breaks from the day-to-day work to talk about family Nike Shox OZ D Womens Clearance , weekend plans or other personal matters that can reduce workplace stress.
6. High Confidence Level
One of the most important leadership qualities is projecting a sense of confidence even when things are difficult. When setbacks occur, such as the loss of a contract or a computer crash, remain calm and confident so that other staff members remain calm as well. By projecting confidence, there is less chance others will panic and make the situation even worse.
7. Set a Good Example
The "do as I say not as I do" philosophy in management does not work. Therefore, set a good example so that employees are more likely to follow suit. If you consistently arrive at work late Nike Shox OZ D Mens Clearance , employees will begin to do so as well. If you fail to return emails or avoid customer service calls, employees will be encouraged to do the same. Therefore, it is important to set a good example to encourage others to do the same.
8. Outside the Box
Creativity is another critical leadership quality. Solutions may not always be clear, which is why a good leader needs to look at creative solutions for some problems. However, it is also important to remember that not all creative decisions are the correct decisions Nike Shox OZ D Clearance , so careful thought and consideration must be given to the best method for implementing solutions.