Trans Resveratrol Health Benefits And Other Information Health Articles | October 6 Cheap Spurs Jerseys , 2010 I have been surfing around the net for information on resveratrol health benefits. There is tons of stuff on them but most of it is recycled and re-written slightly. I thought that I would delve a little deeper into the whys and wherefors of this new fad that is trans resveratrol health benefits.
I know that health supplements are a huge industry, and sales of a particular product go up or down a few percent here and there. When something comes along that sends the sales of it off the scale, I think it's worthy of another look. A while ago it sales of was acai supplements that went crazy Patty Mills Jersey , and they still are, and rightly so as they are loaded with antioxidants that are fantastic for us.
The reason that sales of resveratrol supplements went through the roof is that they were featured on 60 minutes, Oprah Winfrey etc Dejounte Murray Jersey , as most things do when on these prime time tv shows.
Anyway you probably know all about that.
Resveratrol is a stilbene, a stilbene is part of the non-flavonoid family, a non-flavonoid is a polyphenolic compound Derrick White Jersey , therefore resveratrol is a polyphenolic compound.
Stilbenes in plants, help them to fight various problems that may occur, such as injury George Gervin Jersey , fungal infections, stress and uv radiation.
Scientists became interested in resveratrol in 1992 when it was discovered to be the potent activator in red wine. They put two and two together and thought that it may be the cause of the French Paradox. The French Paradox is the enigma as to why the French nation had a low incidence of heart disease although they eat a diet that is high in saturated fat and also that they consume a lot of tobacco!!
As scientists delved into resveratrol health benefits more intensely, it yielded a surprising amount of promising results Bruce Bowen Jersey , and even today, they don?t understand its true potential and research is still in its early stages.
Resveratrol supplements are being labelled as anti aging products. In a wide range of different organisms, it mimics the effect that calorie restriction has on the body. It activates the same genes that having a diet that is restricted to approx 75% ? 80% of the required calorie intake over the majority of a lifetime. It activates the SIR 2.1 by reducing kinetic enzymes and SIRT 1 that promotes cell survival Dennis Rodman Jersey , the combined effects of increasing the stability of the DNA and prolonging life.
Lifespan in these various organisms has been increased by 30% to 70%. Many of the genes in these organisms are essentially the same as humans. Can resveratrol supplements help humans achieve the same results? That remains to be seen.
What about resveratrol and cancer prevention? Well, nothing has been proven but signs are very promising. Purified resveratrol has been shown to have chemo preventive activity in the three stages of carcinogenesis. (The process of healthy cells being transformed into cancerous cells).
1. It acts as an antimutagen. (It helps fight substances that may cause a genetic mutation). 2. It acts as an antioxidant.(It helps fight cell damaging free radicals by negating the chemical reaction that causes them. 3. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti initiation activity.
Resveratrol supplements are absorbed very well into the human system but has a low bioavailability. (The amount of the substance that gets into the system). This is due to the fact that resveratrol is rapidly absorbed by the metabolic system. That is the reason why what seems to be large doses have to be taken to have any effect.
The highest concentrations in the blood appear after about 30 minutes to an hour after resveratrol supplements have been taken. It doesn?t make a lot of difference if they are taken with or without food.
Resveratrol is a natural product and incidences of the side effects are very low. The most problems that users seem to have is that their joints ache after taking it. These symptoms are usually temporary for those that continue usage. Some users reduce dosage and the symptoms disappear.
Trans resveratrol health benefits are still being researched heavily because it promises so much but as I said, it seems that it is going to take a long time to reveal it?s true potential. It is a supplement to take long term for maximum effect for longevity and heart disease and who knows? Perhaps cancer prevention. Short term it can help with weight loss and enhancing energy levels and much more.
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