There are many misconceptions on who the anti-christ is Jrue Holiday Jersey , and his roll in the end times prophecy's. What or Who is an Anti-Christ? The accepted view is such; An enemy of Christ. In Greek the word means; instead of Christ. The epithet of the great antagonist who was expected by the early Church to set himself up against Christ in the last days before the Second Coming. A false Christ. Here it seems to describe any false teacher or false prophet or corrupter of the Christian faith, but sometimes also seems to indicate a specific person or a single spirit of deception that motivates false teaching, and whose presence is a sign of the end times. Many Christians identify this particular Anti-christ with the man of sin or son of perdition mentioned in 2nd Thessalonians 2, and with several figures in the Book of Revelations including the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Whore of Babylon.
The Anti-christ is variously understood to be a consummately evil system of government or leader, a false religion or religious leader that sets up false worship in place of the worship of Christ JJ Redick Jersey , the incarnation of Satan, a son of Satan, or a human being under the liege of Satan.
In Christian belief, a person who will represent on earth the powers of evil by opposing the Christ, glorifying himself, and causing many to leave the faith. He will be destroyed by Jesus at the time of the Second Coming. 1 John 2.18?22; 4.3; 2 John 7; and Rev. 13. Similar ideas are expressed in Judaism (e.g., Ezek. 38.1?39.29) and in Zoroastrianism. Christians have often identified enemies of their faith with the Anti-christ; e.g., with early Christians it was Nero Anthony Davis Jersey , with some Protestants the pope. Which this is representative of the spiritual ant-christ.
I was watching a special on the History Channel the other night, it was called, ?The Anti-Christ.? This show was interesting but full of misconceptions and false truths. Many of these fallacies came from religious leaders and theologians that were denighing the very fact that the prophecy's of the anti-christ were, instead of being future prophecy were rather in the past tense . Many religions today, that try to use prophecy, are prophesying, then waiting for events to match what they have written.
The Bible prophecy's, give specific details of its prophecy's years before the events. So it is with the prophecy of the anti-christ. Scollars today speak of only a few passages in scripture that mention the word anti-christ as an excuse to denigh the existence of a physical person. But lacking the understanding of the Bible New Orleans Pelicans Jersey , miss words that relate directly to him, "the man of sin," ?The son of perdition?, ?The Assyrian?, & ?The Beast?.
There are some main line religions that also denigh the existence of an anti-christ, saying that it is a metaphor (a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity) describing the state of inward man. The Bible states clearly that the grand adversary of Christ, "the man of sin," from Karl-Anthony Towns Jersey , 2Th.2:3, is the anti-christ, spiritual and physical. It was not, Nero, Ceaser, Hitler nor any other human being that we are to look for but a man of deception and peace. Satan is not the main player in the destruction of the world neither is he the designer of the actions of the 7 year peace treaty with the Land of Israel. <
BR>On The contrary Satan plays his last fight after the Battle of Armageddon and the 1000 year reign of Christ, as spoken of in the Book of Revelations. Many Bible theologians, try to line up past events with the Bible to justify what they are trying to teach Andrew Wiggins Jersey , but they miss the truth of the word, when these events don't prepare people for the future of the Church and the world in General. Many past events, do fulfill prophecy, that is the reason that we, as Christians, Believe that Jesus of Nazareth, was the Son of God. But the fulfillment of prophecy, must be completely fulfilled for it to become fact.
In other words Jeff Teague Jersey , Nero, Ceaser, Hitler, Stalin, nor any other person from the past ever fulfilled any of the prophetic words concerning the anti-christ. These were all men of hate and probably were possessed by the spirit of anti-christ or by Satan himself. The prophecys of the Bible are approximately 70 to 80 percent fulfilled, prophets such as Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and John. Jesus spoke many times about the signs of the times Minnesota Timberwolves Jersey , Theologians are trying to follow signs and follow prophetic similarities between the real anti-christ and those that almost, but not completely, fulfill scripture. The future anti-christ is being prepared. The problem with men understanding prophecy and interpreting it, is that many are blocked by what they have been taught in the past and what they see in the present. Many are afraid of ?Rocking the Boat.? Pre-existing conceptions of what prophecy is saying, hinders the Holy Spirit from reveling the true meaning to many. We must look at prophecy with a clear mind, as to what is past, present and future.
The Anti-Christ. 1. Who is He? A Man of Jewish heritage and probably from the tribe of Dan. 1a. Why Dan? Dan is not mentioned in the Book of Revelations as having being sealed. The Tribe of Dan left God and fell into idolatry. 2. A man from the descendants of the old Assyrian Empire in present tense. 2a. Why from the Assyrian empire? Because of Gods promise that He would Destroy the Assyrian, Himself. (Isa 14:25 That I will break the Assyrian in my land Wesley Matthews Jersey , and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. Isa 31:8 Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of a mighty man; and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him: but he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall be discomfited.) 3. He will be Jewish? 3a. Because the Childr