Turn Off The News! Self Help Articles | December 17 Cheap Umar Sadiq Jersey , 2008 People are beginning to realize that all that they trusted in before has either let them down or is on shaky ground. Companies, stocks, retirement plans, seniority - all of these things cannot be trusted. More and more people every day are now looking to God for help.
Have you watched the news on T.V. lately? How did you feel at the end of the newscast, if you lasted through it even that long? Did you feel positive and encouraged? Not hardly!
There is no denying that we are living in some very trying times. And, along with all the news that is being reported Cheap Stephan El Shaarawy Jersey , the newscasters have now turned into forecasters! It's not enough for them to tell what has happened, but they are now telling us what is going to happen!
Every day millions of people sit in front of their TV watching and listening to the information coming from these prognosticators. The more they hear, the more fear it builds into their lives. Fear cripples and holds people captive.
The Creator designed the human mind to function in a certain way. Studies have been published, books have been written, and even courses offered on how we attract into our lives our most dominant thoughts.
Some call this the Law of Attraction. Others call it the Law of Vibration, or the Law of Magnetism. Regardless of what it is called Cheap Rick Karsdorp Jersey , the results and conclusions are the same. What you consistently focus on in your mind is what you will bring into your life.
This is not referring to a fleeting thought here and there. It is referring to your belief system, your core beliefs, or, the heart of your mind. What you hold true in your heart is what you will manifest in your life.
A great Bible teacher once expressed that you are today where you are in your life because of what you truly believe. In other words, what you believe is what you will receive. Perhaps the verse in Proverbs defines it most succinctly, "As a man thinks in his heart Cheap Radja Nainggolan Jersey , so is he."
So, what does all this have to do with the news reports on TV? Plenty! If you allow a steady diet of gloom and doom accompanied with dire predictions of the future to get into your heart then that is what you will bring into your life.
Yes, it may be true, that the days we are living in are not the best of times. Have we seen the worst of these challenges? Probably not. Does that mean that eventually one day in the future we will all starve to death? Absolutely not!
There are cycles in life. There is an ebb and flow. There are ups and there are downs. Just because we are in a down turn does not mean that we will keep going down until we reach oblivion and extinction!
I told someone recently that if there was something reported in the news that was really earth shattering that I did not hear about, I'm sure that someone would call me up and tell me about it. The point is, if I miss today's "news report' I am probably not missing anything except negatives Cheap Patrik Schick Jersey , doom and gloom, and desperate predictions.
I don't need to hear those things. It does not help me to maintain a positive mindset. It is a hindrance to being solution-oriented. It tempts me to focus on defeat instead of victory and success regardless of the circumstances and situations.
And, not only is there plenty of doom and gloom on the "tube," but there is more and more of it in daily conversation. People are scared and uncertain. They voice concerns to others that they talk to. Invariably, those conversations contain the phrase, "Did you here...?" Guess where they "heard it" from? The NEWS!
When I am engaged in conversations Cheap Maxime Gonalons Jersey , I try to bring things back around to the positive side. I speak of hope and promises for a better tomorrow. I talk of trust, in a power much greater than the government.
More and more people are beginning to realize that all that they trusted in before has either let them down or is on shaky ground. Companies, stocks, retirement plans, seniority - all of these things cannot be trusted. More and more people every day are now looking to God for His help.
So, try turning off the news Cheap Marco Tumminello Jersey , at least once in awhile. Don't buy into all the predictions everyone is making. Decide and determine what you want in life, regardless of the days and times that we face. And most of all, decide who or what you should put your trust in!
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