Java Build Tools Any Java developer who would have worked on a project of considerable size Wholesale Matt Ryan Jersey , would have definitely come across any of the following that we would discuss further in great detail. There can be possibilities that you might not have come across them as nubile Java developers, but it is a very good option for you to take up the necessary learning in understanding any of the build technologies that you are inclined towards. As we progress towards automating most of the mundane tasks and activities that are being taken up by the developers, these options come to the rescue of doing just that.
Let us not dwell any further on the discussions whether or not these build tools are required for any average Java developer or not Wholesale Devonta Freeman Jersey , but let us get into the core of the discussion on how these build tools help any of the Java developers in their day to day activities. We will be discussing more about the following three build tools in great deal:
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ANT was one of the only available options back in the 2000鈥檚 where there wasn鈥檛 many options available other than ANT. It was released in the year 2000 and within a short span of time had become the most popular build tool for Java projects. ANT in conjunction with Ivy can be termed as the MODERN build tool.
Ant is java library, which helps to drive the process defined in the build file. Mainly Ant is used to build java applications. Ant is very flexible Wholesale Calvin Ridley Jersey , it does not impose any rules like coding conventions, directory structure. Ivy is a subproject of Ant, which acts as a dependency manager.
ANT has a very low learning curve Wholesale Julio Jones Jersey , as it is very close to understanding similar to XML files and hence it was imbibed as a must know technology for Java developers then on. It was basically on the procedure oriented way of coding.
One of the biggest advantages and also the biggest disadvantage of ANT was the usage of XML as the medium to write the build scripts. This was not a perfect fit for a procedural oriented programming approach ANT uses, but has improved a great deal on accepting plug-ins after the initial release.
If the build scripts are not well documented with proper comments, then it becomes unmanageably big and maintenance gets tougher. Later on Wholesale Ito Smith Jersey , as dependency management over the network became a must, Ant adopted Apache Ivy. Main benefit of Ant is its control of the build process.
he Maven
Apache Maven was released in the year 2004, after ANT was released in the year 2000. The main goal that was planned to fix few of the developer hiccups while using ANT. Maven hasn鈥檛 solved the problem with the XML configuration Wholesale Deadrin Senat Jersey , but has solved it to an extent that needs a little bit of configuration rather than writing up tons of lines of XML code. XML as build configuration format, has imposed strictly a structured and a standardized way.
Maven has taken a step further on relying upon conventions and provisioning targets or better understood as goals that could be invoked instead of developers putting in all the commands that leads to successful execution of a task. Maven has also answered the problem of dependency manager while ANT had to rely on its sub project Ivy for these tasks to be done.
That been said, Maven has its own set of issues with dependency management where it can鈥檛 handle conflicts between different versions of the same library (where Ivy was way better with ANT in this particular aspect). Since Maven addresses more over dependency management Wholesale Isaiah Oliver Jersey , writing complex build scripts gets tougher in Maven than ANT.
Maven on bigger projects may have few hundreds of lines of code without actually doing anything great but just handling the dependency management. One of the biggest advantage that Maven can handle with much ease is the handling of the life cycle and comes at the cost of flexibility. Maven is more than a build tool. Maven even describes how software is built and helps in dependency management also. Maven is used mainly for java based projects. Total Views: 49Word Count: 702See All articles From Author Iguanas are exotic pets that are usually found in tropical climates. If you decide to get one, then you will have to do a lot of research in order to find out how to take care of it properly. Among the things it needs is a good source of heat and light in its habitat. Be sure to provide this so that your pet can live in comfort.
Why do they need a heat source?
The natural environment for Iguanas is a sunny region and their bodies have adapted to this. They are also cold blooded reptiles who have trouble regulating their own internal temperature. Therefore they need an external heat source to help them achieve a balance. Their circulatory system may function well enough even without such a source but their digestive system will be quite messed up if they cannot get this. They will not have the capacity to absorb the nutrient from their food so they will eventually succumb to malnutrition even if they seem to eat right. This, in turn Wholesale Qadree Ollison Jersey , can lead to other health issues down the road.
Why do they need light?
When out in the wild, iguanas are known to spend a lot of hours under the sun. Most of their days are spent enjoying the sunshine and the heat as we have already discussed how much they need this. There is another reason and that is their UVAUVB requirement. Humans need sunlight to stimulate the body to produce Vitamin D. The same is true with iguanas. This is also a vital nutrient for them and they should get enough of it to stay healthy. Sunlight allows them to process calcium properly as well so that their bones can stay strong. A deficiency would lead to bone loss, a tendency to get injured Wholesale John Cominsky Jersey , and other problems.