It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Whether you are eight or eighty years old Carlos Correa Jersey , it does not matter. It is the time you should start thinking about yourself, your body, your health and most importantly to take care of them all. Human lives are becoming faster by all means, and the technology is taking most of their time. With these advancements in technology, people are becoming lazy as well as making less use of their brains. As the life is becoming busier Nolan Ryan Jersey , more and more people are jumping into the sedentary lifestyle and eating all the junk food to save their time for work. There is hardly anyone who still remembers their best friend’s phone number by memory.
Although people are going to the gym to maintain their impressive physique, they are simply forgetting about brain health. With all these injustices done to the brain, the numbers of brain diseases are increasing daily. Some serious diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s begin with simple forgetfulness, but slowly it turns into a major problematic factor.
Reports suggest that one out of three people are its victim by the time they reach 80 years old. Ever wondered what will happen if you walk out of the home and forget your name, home and don’t know what to do? It’s no use of just sitting back on your cozy sofa and hoping that you would not be one of them Craig Biggio Jersey , instead involve yourself in some social activities, exercise club and follow the following diet to prevent you from having Alzheimer’s.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids At Least Once a Week
You must be avoiding those fishes which contain high fat to maintain your low or no fat diet and to stay fit, but it’s time you should start eating those for improving your brain as well as the heart. Recent evidence shows that the famously heart-healthy Mediterranean diet is also helpful in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s too. Experts suggest that consuming fatty fish like herring, salmon or white tuna once a week can reduce the chances of getting brain diseases by showing the slow cognitive decline by 10 percent.
The Nutritionist said that the key to the omega-3 fatty acids especially the DHA type is fatty fish and it is what is most essential for the normal development of the brain. There are other options for the vegetarians too. All varieties of omega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseed, walnuts and olive oil which counter inflammation Jeff Bagwell Jersey , and experts say that it is a major contributor of protein builds up in the human brain.
Vitamin C and E enriched foods are musts
The chemical reactions often create Free-radicals in our busy brains, and those are the unstable molecules which damage our brain cells. So, to clean up such nuisance objects in our brain it is very much essential to have foods containing antioxidants. Researchers suggested that if one consumes plenty of foods containing vitamin C (like currants, orange, red pepper Wholesale Houston Astros Jerseys , broccoli, and strawberries) and vitamin E (like almonds and olive oil), then the person has fewer chances of getting affected by Alzheimer’s. Researchers at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago stated to have found that people who consumed vitamin E on a regular basis had a 67 percent lesser chances of having Alzheimer’s than others.
Flavonoids are essential
Flavonoids are very essential item for not only preventing humans from Alzheimer’s, rather it looks after the overall health of the people. Fruits which are known for containing high quantity of flavonoids are blueberries, apples Cheap Houston Astros Jerseys , grapefruit, and cranberry, whereas vegetables which boast flavonoids are cabbage, Brussels sprouts, asparagus Wholesale Astros Jerseys , garlic, kale, kidney, and kohlrabi. Nutritionist suggests that consumption of juices of orange, tomato Cheap Astros Jerseys , pomegranate or apple three times a week is likely to reduce the chances of getting affected by the disease. They also suggested that more the amount of flavonoids a person consumes lessen the chances of developing dementia or other brain diseases.
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Keywords: how to prevent dementia naturally, Prevent Alzheimer's Disease, preventing alzheimer's disease information
By: insightscare
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When we were children we believed in fairy tales and happy ever after endings just like Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and many other fairy tales. However J. R. Richard Astros Jersey , as we grow older, we soon realise that situations in real life do not always turn out as we would of expected our fairy tale to.
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