Since time immemorial free land claiming is in vogue since people are always on the lookout for free land or property to settle on. One can look towards America as one of the biggest examples of this.
In recent days the unregistered land in England and Wales amount to as high as 40%. Do you realize that if you possess a bit of patience and motivation Cheap Federico Bernardeschi Jersey , then you can become the proud owner of a decent sized plot of land yourself?
In your endeavor to claim free property, you need to start off with the primary step of property identification first followed by those of registration check, owner tracing and adverse possession. But keep in mind that you have to know all about the registration concepts first before getting into the game.
Having being mortgaged or changed hands after 1990 will result in a plot of land to feature in the land registry. However, 40% of the total land does not feature in it.
Unregistered isn’t synonymous to being unowned as commonly thought since any piece of land has someone as its owner somewhere. However Cheap Fabrizio Caligara Jersey , it is not un-claimable either.
One’s primary step is to play the selective game and choose the correct plot of land as one cannot end up choosing everything that he sees. What would help you are the sure signs of almost all free and abandoned land plots.
Walk around your neighborhood with an observant’s eye in order to notice these signs.
Land that is free and abandoned would have signs such as shrub lands, overgrown gardens and gate, bordered up windows, unused industrial buildings or old commercial premises Cheap Emil Audero Jersey , etc.
Driving results in missing out on these not-so-obvious signs so you need to take regular walks around your neighborhood in order to notice the same.
After you identify the free plot of land, it is time you checked its registration status. Registration Check is thus the second step where you contact the land registry to see whether the plot is registered, unregistered or pending first application.
Usually when one gets the status of pending first application, it simply means that he has been beaten by someone else in finding out this plot of land and staking a claim on it. So one needs to go back to the property identification stage again.
The status might be registered as well in which case you still have a chance since it might be that the owner has died and does not have any relatives or that he might have settled in another country altogether.
The ideal situation to be in is if the plot is unregistered which means that it is ripe for your claim. But it might also be the case that it has an owner who hasn’t registered the land yet.
For both these above situations Cheap Douglas Costa Jersey , you need to embark upon your next course of action which is ‘Owner Tracing.’ This is important since you anyways have to prove later on during your claim that you had tried your level best to contact the owner.
The best owner tracing technique is to ask the immediate neighbors to your chosen plot of land since they would know the original owner’s whereabouts the best.
Other sources include the post office, electoral roles, landlords, milkmen Cheap Daniele Rugani Jersey , etc. The probate registry office needs to be contacted if the original owner is dead.
Next step is adverse possession where you forcefully show that you own the free land or property. You might show this by outing up a fence or a signboard saying ‘No Trespassing’. A good idea would be to keep your claim date on record by drawing up a document and getting it signed by two witnesses.
Your adverse possession activities might be helpful in tracing the owner quickly since you might expect a hurried return after putting up a ‘No Trespassing’ sign! There are many websites and agencies who carry out the detective work in lieu of a fee.
The best helping hands are the online sites that would give you all the rules and regulations regarding adverse possession and even templates of all necessary forms. CDs and booklets are also available on the said topic.
You can visit Discover how to claim land. Discover how find free land articles when you visit this site.
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