Do You Have A Hard Time Learning? Self Help Articles | August 18 Cheap Saquon Barkley Jersey , 2002 Do you have a hard time ... It can be easy, once you realize that learning is just a ... The minute you connect the unknown with the known, you have a ... someone trying to
Do you have a hard time learning? It can be easy, once you realize that learning is just a relationship.
The minute you connect the unknown with the known, you have a relationship.
Is someone trying to teach you something? Do they say put Tab A in Slot A. Good. You know what Tab A is, and you know what Slot A is.
What if they say, take the discuspet and put it in the mascuspet? Yikes! You know what that means, don't you? You are in the wrong class!
No, I'm just teasing. When someone teaches you something and they say discuspet -- or any word you don't know -- stop them right there. Ask them what a discuspet is, and if you understood everything they said, then let them proceed.
Now Cheap Kyle Lauletta Jersey , you know what a discuspet is. They say, take the discuspet and put it in the mascuspet. Whoa! Stop them right there and ask what a mascuspet is. They tell you and now you understand. Who said learning was hard?
Oh, you say? What happens when they answer your question saying that a mascuspet is a third of a tricuspet. Whoa! This is getting complicated. Do you think you can handle it?
Sure. You ask them to explain tricuspet, and to use terms YOU understand. Tell them to start with a nail. You KNOW what a nail is. Then, they can show you the RELATIONSHIP. That's all learning is. Finding out the relationship of something you don't understand to something you do.
Teachers love to teach, and if they know you can grasp the concept of nail Cheap Lorenzo Carter Jersey , they can take it from there. They might say, *A tricuspet is made of the same material a nail is and it's shaped like a fan blade, and it's function is to ________.*
A great teacher gives the name, tells what it's made of, what it looks like, and what it does Cheap B.J. Hill Jersey , whenever possible, to everything they are teaching. EVERYTHING. It takes the word *stupid* out of the classroom. And isn't that a fantastic concept?
*** By the way, I made up the words discuspet, mascuspet, and tricuspet. However, if there really is a discuspet Cheap Will Hernandez Jersey , mascuspet, or tricuspet, feel free to explain it to me. Start with nail, because I know what that is. ***
Copyright 2001, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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6 Practical Self Defense Tips - Self Defense Against A Brutal Attacker Sports Articles | February 8, 2010 Learn more about these Self Defense Tips and see if this is for you or not. Find out the truth about these Self Defense Tips and make your final decision.
In a perfect planet, we would all go through life without ever having to face the possibility of a physical altercation. And in some cases this does happen. Some people go their entire lives without ever fighting with anyone. But unfortunately in this day and age Cheap Julian Love Jersey , there may be a need for you to have to defend yourself. In other words, trouble may find you and you may find yourself with no other options than to confront your attacker.
If this is the case, here are some hard rules to follow that can save you in a fight. I'll go over a few of the most common scenarios. Remember your objective isn't to "win", it's to get out of the situation alive and unharmed if possible.
1.) Always Keep a Cool Head - Try to stay calm and do not panic. Panicking usually just makes the attacker angrier than they already are. If you stay calm you will have more time to think about how you are going to react to the situation as it unfolds.
2.) Defense Against Headlocks - If you find yourself accosted from behind and placed in a headlock, tilt your neck to the side of their elbow fold then tuck your chin in. This will make it impossible for your attacker to choke you. Then, completely relax and fall to the ground. This way your attacker will be forced to hold you up by your own body weight which is nearly next to impossible. This will force them to let you go. Then if possible try to make a run for it if they aren't armed with a pistol.
3.) Grabbed From Behind - If someone grabs you from behind using a Bear Hug Cheap Oshane Ximines Jersey , the best thing to do is to head butt them from behind. If you attempt to step on their heel or kick them in the groin, it will probably just infuriate your attacker. But the human skull is amazingly powerful. Just 2 good head butts from a lady, in other words, back of your head hitting their nose, is the equivalent of getting hit 4-6 times by a man. Once again, if this frees you make a run for it.
4.) Keep a Weapon Handy - If you work in an office Cheap Deandre Baker Jersey , a pen or pencil make a great weapon. As a general rule, use sharp objects to go after soft tissue, like an eyes, throat or belly for example. Anything solid and hard you have with you, like a can should be aimed at the bone.