Free News Articles Home Plastics and Chemicals LRM Industries Introduces HydroDome Cheap NBA Basketball Jerseys , the Next BIG Thing in Stormwater Management BMPs LRM Industries Introduces HydroDome, the Next BIG Thing in Stormwater Management BMPs Author: LRM Industries International, Inc. Dateline: Thu, 13 Aug 2009
freeNewsArticles Story Summary: “ROCKLEDGE, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- LRM Industries International, Inc. headquartered in Rockledge, Florida, announces the introduction of the game-changing HydroDome™ family of stormwater chambers. LRM will show HydroDome for first time from August 18th through the 20th at StormCon® Cheap Basketball Jerseys , the annual stormwater conference to be held this year at the Marriott in Anaheim, California.”
A R T I C L E:
ROCKLEDGE, Fla., Aug. 13 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- LRM Industries International, Inc. headquartered in Rockledge, Florida, announces the introduction of the game-changing HydroDome™ family of stormwater chambers. LRM will show HydroDome for first time from August 18th through the 20th at StormCon®, the annual stormwater conference to be held this year at the Marriott in Anaheim Cheap Nike NBA Jerseys , California.
The HydroDome™ design concept comes from both the efficiency of nature and the ageless understanding by architectural engineers, that the dome is stronger than an arch or vaulted tunnel. The HydroDome project at LRM was initially code-named "Beehive" with a goal of achieving extremely high space utilization efficiency, with high strength. This morphed into a domed cell structure to retain the natural field "nesting" efficiency, while adding incredible strength.
The HydroDome family of products will be reinforced thermoplastic composite structures, not simple thermoformed or injection molded thermoplastics, or high VOC non-recyclable thermosets, which are dangerous to our environment.
Said Jim Callough, CEO of LRM Industries International Cheap NBA Jerseys Wholesale , Inc., "With LRM's patent pending STF Sheetless ThermoForming process, announced in October 2008, an incredible amount of options are enabled which did not exist before. We don't have to buy sheet, as we 'coat' the mold directly from extrusion. This opens a whole new world of versatility, and we can have closed loop recycling by reprocessing all trim in-house."
Callough added, "All HydroDome family products will have this same domed cellular (beehive) design. This allows a highly efficient 'nested' installation, dramatically reducing land utilization and all associated costs such as excavation Cheap NBA Jerseys Online , stone and other materials."
At StormCon® in booth #912, LRM will exhibit the HydroDome™ 550 as the first product in the new family of stormwater structural BMPs.
Company Information
LRM Industries International, Inc. was established to commercialize TPF ThermoPlastic Flowforming™ technology, a radically different and award-winning process technology for producing large, feature-rich, long-fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite parts in one fully automated molding operation. With the TPF ThermoPlastic Flowforming and STF Sheetless ThermoForming™ technologies, LRM enables innovative applications and designs in the use of plastics and thermoplastic composites to produce very large unitary structures where, to-date Cheap NBA Jerseys Free Shipping , it has been viewed as cost prohibitive or lacking in strength and structural integrity.
• Story Title: LRM Industries Introduces HydroDome, the Next BIG Thing in Stormwater Management BMPs • REFERENCE KEYWORDSTERMS: hydrodome stormwater chambers Cheap NBA Jerseys From China , , , stormcon stormconference, Plastics and Chemicals, , , .
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